At Athens school we believe that children deserve the best possible chances in life and therefore we encourage strong links with parents.
In every kind of construction, whether it is Building Construction, Automotive Construction, Aero-construction or Ship Building, foundation or Base is the key, as it determines the solidity and durability (Success) of whatsoever is built. At Athens Nursery and Primary School (ANPS) we see education as a building, so we construct a solid base for a Child's academic success.
We are a friendly, caring school with high expectations for all our pupils. Whilst the school is often a hive of activity, the staff work to provide a calm, stimulating environment with good behaviour and mutual respect.
An important principle for my leadership is to remain closely connected to the pupils and to the classroom. This keeps us focused on leading a school that is constantly trying to improve teaching and learning.
To summarise my personal vision for Athens school: children should go through the school feeling that it is a happy and stimulating place in which they feel confident and valued. They should leave it not only having fulfilled their personal best in terms of academic results, but also equipped to progress to the next stage of their lives with confidence, enthusiasm and the values of truth, compassion, generosity and optimism.
Every school has a head, but not all schools have a heart. And this is why I count myself so fortunate to be at Athens school.